Bus or platform shelters type Pimprez H0 Decapod 5730
Coin-operated telephone booth H0 Decapod 5735
Card phone box H0 Decapod 5736
Wash house of Marseille in Beauvaisis H0 Decapod 5311
Norman wall type Trouville H0 Decapod 5566
Modern fence 2m high H0 Decapod 2835
Police barriers (6 pcs) H0 Decapod 5724
Concrete barriers model Le Tréport H0 Decapod 2768
Parisian benches (4 pcs) H0 Decapod 5715
Wooden benches (6 pcs) H0 Decapod 5716
Socle béton pour poteau télégraphique modèle 1 [HO]
Metal barrels (6 pcs) H0 Decapod 5608
Plastic drums (6 pcs) H0 Decapod 5606
Metal barrels (6 pcs) H0 Decapod 5604
PTT cabinets (2 pcs) H0 Decapod 5726
Bayard fountain with button H0 Decapod 5737
Struts for wooden posts HO Decapod 4872
Palettes Europ (12 pcs) HO Decapod 5680
Poubelles plastiques de 120l (8 pcs) HO Decapod 5692
Bacs à sel (5 pcs) HO Decapod 2906
Gas bottles (12 pcs) H0 Decapod 5620
Citerne à gaz de 2.5m3 HO Decapod 5622
Groupe de climatisation extérieure (5 pcs) HO...